Khalisani Mahavidyalaya

খলিসানী মহাবিদ্যালয়

Affiliated to The University of Burdwan. AISHE Code: C-44706


Our institution arranged several Seminars, Webinars, Workshops, training programmes, sensitization programmes etc to build up research atmosphere among the staff and students. The details are given:

Sl. No Name of Seminars, Workshops, Training & Sensitization Programmes Date Funding Authority
1. State Level Seminar on Climate Change and
Economic Development
17.01.2012 UGC
2. National Level Seminar on Aesthetic Approach and Social Accountability of Literature: Oriental and Occidental Perspectives 10.02.2012 UGC
3. State Level Seminar on Biodiversity Depletion and Economic Crisis 17.02.2012 UGC
4. One Day Workshop on CAS 20.09.14 IQAC
5. One Day Workshop on SPSS 08.12.2015 IQAC